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His Beatitude Patriarch YOUNAN grants Full Tuition Waiver to All Syriac Students registered at Lycée du Musée and Collège de Charfet for the upcoming Academic Year 2024-2025, for the fifth consecutive year


    Please find below the Press Release issued by the Secretariat of the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch declaring that His Beatitude Mor Ignatius Youssef III YOUNAN Patriarch of Antioch for the Syriac Catholic Church, for the fifth consecutive year, grants Full Tuition Waiver to All Syriac Students registered at the Lycée du Musée, Badaro - Beirut, and the Charfet School, Daroun – Harissa, for the upcoming Academic Year 2024-2025, while the Fees are Adjusted for Other Students from Various Denominations:


Nr. Prot.: 29/S/2024

Date: 10.9.2024


Press Release

Issued by the Secretariat of the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch


Patriarch YOUNAN grants Full Tuition Waiver to All Syriac Students

for the upcoming Academic Year 2024-2025,

for the fifth consecutive year

At the Lycée du Musée, Badaro - Beirut,

and the Charfet School, Daroun - Harissa

Adjusted Fees for Other Students from Various Denominations


    Under the guidance of His Beatitude Mor Ignatius Youssef III YOUNAN, the Patriarch of Antioch for the Syriac Catholic Church, the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate invites all our Syriac sons and daughters to enroll their children in either the Lycée du Musée, Badaro - Beirut, or the Charfet School, Daroun - Harissa, for the upcoming academic year 2024-2025.

    The Patriarchate announces that His Beatitude Patriarch YOUNAN, in a paternal initiative, for the fifth consecutive year, will exempt all Syriac students from the full tuition fees, which the Patriarchate will pay directly to the school administrations, except for registration and stationery fees.

    The Patriarchate also encourages all dear brethren from various denominations to register their children in either of these schools, with well thought out fees for all.

    Our goal is to convey the noble message of education, which is one of the pillars of evangelization, for the benefit of our nation and the future of all citizens.

    May the Lord bless the new academic year and restore Lebanon to its former peace, prosperity, and progress.


    Secretariat of the Syriac Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch


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